Medical Doctors and PhD Scientists Speak Out Against Vaccinations (updated 7.4.19)

The following info comes from Jason Christoff. Many social media sites (not naming names), deliberately block this information, which makes me wonder WHO is paying them to play Censorship Gods.

Do your homework, empower and protect yourself and your loved ones.

Blessings, strength, protection, good health and love sent

~ Natural Nana


via Dr. Michael Master Chiropractic Neurologist


The Proof is in the Pudding: Our Medical System is Making America’s Children SICK

via Paul Thomas, M.D.
The Proof is in the Pudding: Our Medical System is Making America’s Children SICK

It’s true, folks. Follow business as usual and chances are your child will get sick and stay sick. Make simple, evidence-based medical and lifestyle changes, improve your diet, make sure your children are getting plenty of sunlight, outdoor time, and time off screens, and your children will thrive. But sick kids generate enormous revenue for our medical system while no one makes money off happy, healthy children…


“Archivides “Archie” Kalokerinos (28 September 1927 – 1 March 2012) was an Australian physician. He was a supporter of Linus Pauling’s controversial theory that many diseases result from overproduction of free radicals and can accordingly be prevented or cured by Vitamin C; this led him to treat many conditions with high intravenous doses of vitamin C. He also believed that vaccination schemes have been used for deliberate genocide (among indigenous Australians, and in spreading HIV in Africa); and that the US government systematically planned to get rid of undesirables such as criminals by encouraging people with known heart problems to be vaccinated.”

(via Charlie Read)


via Nurses for Vaccine Safety Alliance, Inc.
What do you know about “HOT LOTS?”

Interview with Michael R. Hugo, Esq 

“One was that there were 11 deaths within 48 hours in Tennessee. They determined that those deaths were caused by one single lot of DPT vaccine that all the kids happened to get the same lot number. From different doctors, but it was all distributed to Tennessee.

So, the company instead of acting responsibly on that, first of all denied any lawsuits. They weren’t going to pay any settlements on it. They made all of these people sue.

Second of all, they decided that instead of sending a bunch of one lot to one distribution center in one state, they would send small bits from lots of different lots to that same distribution center in one state.

So therefore, instead of getting 5,000 packages of this stuff delivered to Chicago for the Illinois area, they would only get maybe a couple of hundred of this lot and a couple a hundred of that lot. That way they’re sending it all over the country.

So, if they have a “hot lot” that causes deaths like the Tennessee cluster was, it would be all over the country and nobody would pick up on it. Nobody would say, “Ah, it was their vaccine that caused it.” Because it’s all over the place and a doctor from Florida might never know about a doctor in Anchorage, Alaska, that lost a patient.

That was their idea of how to proceed with professionalism. It was terrifying to see the numbers of people coming out of the woodwork. It was not only terrifying to us as a group of plaintiff lawyers.”

Written Document:

Closeup of Internal Correspondence:


via Jason Christoff

Some of the professionals below are straight to the point and some are a little more withdrawn about coming forward to present the exact opposite of what they were taught in medical school and by their society in general. The medical and science professionals listed have nothing to gain and literally everything to lose by speaking up within a system that’s designed to punish anyone who moves against the accepted medical standards of care and generally accepted community standards, within our culture. 

The theme of each presentation is eerily similar, with the common ground always being that this information regarding vaccines being ineffective, unhealthy and dangerous… already well documented within the journals of medical science but it’s ignored full stop because something else is going on. 

The weight of the evidence is not only found to be firmly planted against the use of vaccines, due to their unhealthy effects, but the government itself is the very entity spear heading a corrupt and illegal attack upon its’ own citizens – by forcing science, medicine and government policy to keep driving fraudulent vaccine claims and toxic vaccines themselves, deeper into the public at large.

This is for parents who want to know more, in order to do the best for their children.

1. Dr. Nancy Banks –

2. Dr. Russell Blaylock –

3. Dr. Shiv Chopra –

4. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny –

5. Dr. Suzanne Humphries –

6. Dr. Larry Palevsky –

7. Dr. Toni Bark –

8. Dr. Andrew Wakefield –

9. Dr. Meryl Nass –

10. Dr. Raymond Obomsawin –

11. Dr. Ghislaine Lanctot –

12. Dr. Robert Rowen –

13. Dr. David Ayoub –

14. Dr. Boyd Haley PhD –

15. Dr. Rashid Buttar –

16. Dr. Roby Mitchell –

17. Dr. Ken Stoller –

18. Dr. Mayer Eisenstein –

19. Dr. Frank Engley, PhD –

20. Dr. David Davis –

21. Dr Tetyana Obukhanych –

22. Dr. Harold E Buttram –

23. Dr. Kelly Brogan –

24. Dr. RC Tent –

25. Dr. Rebecca Carley –

26. Dr. Andrew Moulden –

27. Dr. Jack Wolfson – and

28. Dr. Michael Elice –

29. Dr. Terry Wahls –

30. Dr. Stephanie Seneff –

31. Dr. Paul Thomas –

32. Many doctors talking at once –

33. Dr. Richard Moskowitz –

34. Dr. Jane Orient –

35. Dr. Richard Deth –

36. Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic –

37. Dr Chris Shaw –

38. Dr. Susan McCreadie –

39. Dr. Mary Ann Block –

40. Dr. David Brownstein –

41. Dr. Jayne Donegan –

42. Dr. Troy Ross –

43. Dr. Philip Incao –

44. Dr. Joseph Mercola –

45. Dr. Jeff Bradstreet –

46. Dr. Robert Mendelson –

47. Dr. Garth Nicolson –

48. Dr. Marc Girard –

49. Dr. Charles Richet –

50. Dr. Zac Bush –

51. Dr. Lawrence Wilson –

52. Dr. James Howenstine –

53. Dr Burton A. Waisbren, Sr., M.D. –

54. Dr. Sam Eggertsen –

55. Dr. Bonnie Dunbar –

56. Dr. Judy Mikovits –

57. Dr. John Bergan –

58. Dr. Rima E. Laibow –

59. Dr. Lee Hieb –

60. Dr. Daniel Kalb –

61. Dr. Rachel Ross –

62. Dr. Kathryn H Hale –

63. Dr. Gibson –

64. Dr. Anthony Phan –

65. Dr. Daniel Neides –

66. Dr. Christiane Northrup –

67. Dr. James Neuenschwander –

68. Dr. James Meehan –

69. Dr. Christopher Exley –

70. Dr. Graham Downing –

71. Dr. Judy Wilyman –

72. Dr. Jamie Deckoff-Jones –

73. Dr. Ray Andrew – click here

Documentaries that Include 100’s of Health Professionals WARNING The Public About The Dangers of Vaccination….

1. Vaccination – The Silent Epidemic –

2. The Greater Good –

3. Shots In The Dark –

4. Vaccination The Hidden Truth –

5. Vaccine Nation –

6. Vaccination – The Truth About Vaccines –

7. Lethal Injection –

8. Bought –

9. Deadly Immunity –

10. Autism – Made in the USA –

11. Beyond Treason –

12. Trace Amounts –

13. Why We Don’t Vaccinate –

14. Autism Yesterday –

15. Denmark Documentary on HPV Vaccine –

16. Vaxxed –

17. Man Made Epidemic –

18. 50 Cents A Dose –

19. Direct Orders –

20. Dtap – Vaccine Roulette

21. Truthstream News: About All Those Vaccines –

22. Hear The Silence –

23. Cervical Cancer Vaccine – Is It Safe? –

24. Vaccines Revealed –

25. The Truth About Vaccines –

26. Vaccine Syndrome –

27. Injecting Aluminum –

28. Manufactured Crisis: HPV, Hype & Horror –

29. Sacrificial Virgins –

30. Diabolically dishonest: Lewin Group’s “MMR-Autism Sibling Study”

31. Dr. James Weiler:

32. J.B Handley

33. Dr. Jim Meehan

Videos –

Dr. Toni Bark, ND Speaking to Washington State Legislators

Jon Rappoport – Investigative Journalist

“Hearing” on religious exemptions in Connecticut
LeeAnn Ducat of Informed Choice USA

NO studies in Vaccine vs. Unvaccinated

Toronto Board of Health Motion on Addressing Vaccines



via Dr. Bob Sears

My Next Medical Board Case 6.21.2019

So, as expected, the CA Medical Board just sent me the paperwork about the first vaccine medical exemption accusation they are making against me. The packet was waiting for me when I got home from the hearing last night.

The case involves two siblings, one who has chronic psoriasis and the other who does not. The dad also has psoriasis. I saw them about three years ago for a VME appointment and determined that the risk of lifelong psoriasis, which has been reported numerous times in the medical literature as an adverse event following vaccines, is significant enough in these kids to warrant an exemption.

As per SB 277 law, and as per the directions of the medical board itself, I am supposed to consider family medical history in determining an exemption. Knowing that vaccines can trigger psoriasis or make existing psoriasis worse, based on the research studies below, and knowing how severe and debilitating lifelong psoriasis can be, an exemption is appropriate for these kids. This family, however, is no longer together and has since moved out of the state.

I expect the next step in this case — a hearing before a judge — will happen in about a year or so. Maybe sooner. I will keep you all in the loop as always. Thank you for your support and for the outpouring of encouragement I’ve received. 


CA Medical Board newsletter – Winter 2016. See page 10 for directive on using family history in medical exemptions:

Possible triggering effect of influenza vaccination on psoriasis –

Psoriasis triggered by tetanus-diphtheria vaccination –

Psoriatic skin lesions induced by BCG vaccination –

Guttate psoriasis-like lesions following BCG vaccination –

New onset guttate psoriasis following pandemic H1N1 influenza vaccination –

National survey of psoriasis flares after 2009 monovalent H1N1/seasonal vaccines –

Psoriasis vaccinalis: report of two cases, one following BCG vaccination and one following vaccination against influenza –

Family history of psoriasis, stressful life events, and recent infectious disease are risk factors for a first episode of acute guttate psoriasis –

Genetic background of psoriasis –

Read more on these pages –

SIDS Listed As Adverse Reaction on DTaP Vaccine Insert

Vaccine Package Inserts By Name Type and Manufacturer

The Endocannabanoid System & Merck’s Medical Manual (1899) – When REAL Food was Considered REAL Medicine

Research on Vaccines – Comprehensive List

Do Your Homework – More Injection Info

Vaccines, Vaccine Injury, & My Perspective as a Doctor & Mom

I’ve ordered thousands of vaccines in my career as a physician.   Until recently I had never considered vaccine injury as more than folklore.  Weeks ago I never would’ve believed a story about vaccine injured triplets….so the past few weeks have been difficult.  I have struggled to make sense of all that I have seen and learned.  I met a mother of triplets the other weekend, a very attractive white woman with years added onto her face and her smile.  She recalled to me the day her triplets were born.  She and her then husband were ecstatic that she was able to carry them for 36 weeks.

At the time, mom was so happy that they were inside of her long enough to mature, they were born perfectly healthy.  I can totally relate since I am now twelve weeks post0partum.  I had very similar worries carrying my little princess.  Mom’s eyes dropped though as I gave her a hearty smile of excitement.  The same day that her triplets were given their six-month check-up and vaccines, was the same day that all three of her kids checked out.  She said it was as if someone replaced her children with new ones.  They unlearned all they knew…regressed and screamed for days.  I stood there motionless and speechless.  She didn’t want my pity, nor my tears, she just wanted me to know.


I’m a new mom, a sister, an aunt, a cousin, a friend, and a family medicine physician.      I’m from a small town called Gary, Indiana.  As a matter of fact, I practice medicine about two blocks away from the house that I along-with my eight brothers and sisters grew up in.  My dad bought the house in the 60s, after he met my mom.  They both migrated to the Midwest to escape the blatant racial tension of the deep south, and the rest is history.

In our small town the emergency room is named after my dad for all the great medical care he has provided through the years.  During the financial boom he even donated money to build part of it… He’s a pretty special guy; we both can sit and gush about each other for hours at a time.  I’ve always been a Daddy’s girl.

I came back home to practice medicine in our small town after spending eight years in Nashville, TN.  I did my undergraduate work at Vanderbilt University.  After graduation I went to medical school at Meharry Medical College, my Dad’s alma matar, with my two sisters Ruth and Rebekkah.

Our family-run clinic is sometimes my pride and joy, and other times the bane of my existence lol.  My brother Nathaniel is the director (he says he’s going to miss me being pregnant because I was much more pleasant).  My mom Ruthie is the manager (she expects us to wear our white coats even when the AC is out).  My Dad, the smartest and most charming doctor I’ve ever met, is 86 and he still sees patients a few times a week.  We also have a wonderful doctor named Shelly Sandifer in our clinic.  She came to work with us after my sister Rebekkah passed away trying to have a child of her own.  Dr. Sandifer has a lovely Bajan/British accent, a great sense of humor, and the patients love her.  We practice community medicine every single day.

We treat families at our clinic.  Sometimes I don’t have to ask patients much about their family history.  I treat their aunts, uncles, parents, and sometimes even their grandparents…it’s the best feeling in the world.  Our patients trust us to take care of them, and that is something that we all take very personally. When we say, “our family, treating your family…” we absolutely mean it.

We all took an oath to first and foremost “Do No Harm.”  It’s been difficult. Throughout my tenure as a physician, I have watched while our academy has pushed certain medication that we find years later has been causing more harm than good…that hurts.

I have witnessed the vaccine schedule grow from 16 doses of 4 vaccines from birth to six years old when I was a child, to the current recommendation of 49 doses of 14 vaccines between birth and age six, and 69 doses of 16 vaccines between birth and the age of eighteen….and we’ve been giving them on-time, sometimes five shots a day to help kids ‘catch-up’, and all without question.  Medical school and residency taught us all to do so.

I guess I cant help but wonder if there’s a connection between the fact that when we had to give fewer vaccines we had fewer childhood diseases.  It is only human to wonder.  We had fewer learning disabilities, less asthma, less autism, and less diabetes.  Autism in particular was 1 in 500 in the late seventies and it has now skyrocketed to 1 in 50.  Why so many?  Why so soon?

I am so sorry that I didn’t know that the government has paid out $3billion to families injured by vaccines through the VICP (Vaccine Injury Compensation Program).  As a matter of fact, I assumed that all vaccines were very very safe.  They have to be because we give them to everyone’s kids, right?!??  I am so sorry that I didn’t realize that there are tens of thousands of families on a list that have never received compensation because they couldn’t 100% prove that the vaccine created an injury (even though many of them can pinpoint the day and time that their babies’ lights dimmed).

And until recently, I had never heard of a CDC scientist/whistleblower named Dr. William Thompson (note, I can’t link to a story because even the article written in Forbes has been removed online).  Dr Thompson was brave enough to come forward because his conscience was killing him.  I feel like such an ignorant ASS to say the least.

Dr. Thompson revealed that a study conducted at the CDC showed a 236% increase in the rate of autism in African-American boys who received the MMR vaccine before the age of 36 months.  He states that an internal decision was made to change the study results to demonstrate that there was no increased risk…and he feels really bad about all the lives he ruined.

The documentary Vaxxed plays a percentage of the four hours of voice recordings between the whistleblower/Dr. Thompson and another scientist.  All of this would be impossible to believe without those recorded phone conversations.

Of course I am Black mom, sister, aunt, cousin, and friend.  As a Black physician, with a mostly Black patient base, I am very very concerned and very sorry.  But I am also concerned as a person that loves all people and children regardless of race.  What does this information about one vaccine on one group of children infer about all vaccines and all groups of children?

As a mom of a new tiny precious being and a doctor of many, I am left with so many questions:  Should vaccines be delayed?  Are any vaccines safe?  If so, which ones?  Are there more vaccine-injured victims that we even know about?  Should genetic testing be conducted on all children before we assume that they can tolerate all of those vaccines?

And my most important question: Why won’t Congress subpoena Dr. Thompson so that we can really really know the truth about this particular vaccine.

I have to thank Del Bigtree for taking the time to show me the data that I was inadvertently pretending not to see, and I really have to thank Dr. Thompson.  Without this information, we would never have known, and it all would’ve just been written off as mishmash of conspiracy theories.

With what I now know, I cannot support mandatory vaccines for children.  Some kids respond well to vaccines, but others do not.  How can we be sure who will and who will not?  Should we really sacrifice one for many?  Parents have to have the right to choose!  Parents have to make their own informed decisions.   Parents deserve access to this information which has been buried so deep that even I, a practicing physician, hadn’t been aware of.

I apologize from the bottom of my heart to any children and parents that I have unknowingly harmed.  I had no idea.

Please ask questions and make the time to go see the documentary Vaxxed. Form your own opinions, do your own research, and then talk to your physician.   Demand to hear from Dr. Thompson, pass this information along to your loved ones, and start these conversations. We all deserve answers, and this is the only way to get any.

People keep asking me if I’m scared to speak about this.  My realest fear is that we will continue to assume that these moms are making this stuff up.


Rachael L Ross, M.D., PhD


“The greatest lie ever told is that vaccines are safe and effective.” – Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz

“The public is woefully uninformed on vaccine risks due to government and mainstream media censorship.” – Dr. Mark Geier, MD

“The chief, if not the sole cause of the monstrous increase in cancer has been vaccination.” – Dr. Robert Bell, once Vice President, International Society for Cancer Research at the British Cancer Hospital

“Vaccines are highly dangerous, have never been adequately studied or proven to be effective, and have a poor risk/reward ratio.” –Dr. Allen Greenberg, MD

“In my medical career I’ve treated vaccinated and unvaccinated children and the unvaccinated children are far healthier than the vaccinated ones.” – Dr. Philip Incao, MD

“I found the whole vaccine business was indeed a gigantic hoax. Most doctors are convinced that they are useful, but if you look at the proper statistics and study the instances of these diseases you will realize that this is not so.” – Dr. Archivides Kalokerinos, MD

“It is dangerously misleading to say that vaccines make us “immume” or protect against disease, when in fact that is the exact opposite of the truth. Vaccines only drive disease deeper and cause us to harbor it chronically.” – Dr. Richard Moscowitz, MD

“The vaccinations are not working and they are dangerous. We should be working with nature.” – Dr. Lendon Smith, MD

“There is no scientific evidence that vaccinations are of any benefit, but it is clear that they cause a great deal of harm.” – Dr. Gerhard Buchwald, MD

“All vaccines are and have been causing ischemic (impaired blood flow) damage – to all – creating a plethora of chronic illnesses, disease, and in some instances, death. The injury from vaccination is additive; each vaccination further injures.” – Dr. Andrew Moulden MD, PhD

“When you impair the brain blood flow by vaccination you can impair the respiration control center which can result in death. We call it SIDS.” – Dr. Andrew Moulden MD, PhD

“Vaccination is the most dangerous medical practice in the history of classical medicine.” – Dr. Sladjana Velkov (Macedonia)

[With vaccination] “what in reality is prevented is not the disease but the ability of our cellular immune system to manifest, to respond to and to overcome the disease! There is no system of the human being, from mind to muscles to immune system, which gets stronger through avoiding challenges, but only through overcoming challenges.” – Dr. Philip Incao, MD

“I have lectured all over the world… I have always had a special interest in newspapers. All of them have one thing in common, there is always some reference made to some epidemic in some part of the world. For instance, two years ago, one paper referred to a polio epidemic in Holland. For the past three years, our newspapers have commented on the diphtheria epidemic in Russia. By these means, the population is constantly threatened with epidemics, they have been made to fear them, and the reports always conclude: “Go and get vaccinated.” – Dr. Gerhard Buchwald, MD

“To create fear among parents to strengthen their motivation to vaccinate is an important part of the publicity used to promote vaccinations. A whole branch of research is examining the question: What level of fear needs to be created to appear as convincing as possible?” – Dr. Gerhard Buchwald, MD

“In 1866, an English physician described a very strange illness. Children looked like Mongols. His name was Down. That’s why we call it Down’s Syndrome today… I should add that this syndrome is a result of the vaccinations carried throughout England by Jenner in 1796… It (Down’s Syndrome) is probably the first congenital disease caused by vaccinations. In Germany, the first child with evidence of Down’s Syndrome was reported in 1922. Today, one in every 700 newborns has it.” – Dr. Gerhard Buchwald, MD

“There is insufficient evidence to support routine vaccination of healthy persons of any age.” – Dr. Paul Frame, MD, Journal of Family Practice

“Only after realizing that routine immunizations were dangerous did I achieve a substantial drop in infant death rates.” – Dr. Archivides Kalokerinos, MD

“I’ll talk about vaccines. Number one, vaccines make people sick. They don’t work. They don’t protect. The use of vaccines is totally wrong! It’s perfect nonsense based on fear. They are dangerous. One child out of five has overwhelming disabilities from vaccines – neurological problems, seizures. I’ve got a whole list. There are plenty of books on this subject. Doctors don’t even read about this.” -Dr. Guylaine Lanctot, MD

“During those 30 years I have run against so many histories of little children who had never seen a sick day until they were vaccinated and who, in the several years that have followed, have never seen a well day since. I couldn’t put my finger on the disease they have. They just weren’t strong. Their resistance was gone. They were perfectly well before they were vaccinated. They have never been well since.” – Dr. William Howard Hay, MD

“Nobody needs to be confused but everybody better be darn well frightened about taking any vaccine, under any circumstance, for any reason, at any time in their life.” – Dr. Daniel H. Duffy Sr., DC (retired air force officer – 21 yrs., family doctor – 28 yrs., vaccination researcher – 49 yrs.)

“I vaccinated both my children with the MMR jab, but this was before I started my research into the problems associated with it. Knowing what I know now, I would not vaccinate my children and run the risk of them getting diabetes, asthma, eczema, becoming more susceptible to meningitis and ending up chronically disabled.” – Dr. Jayne Donegan, GP, Homeopath

“Had my mother and father known that the poliovirus vaccines of the 1950s were heavily contaminated with more than 26 monkey viruses, including the cancer virus SV40, I can say with certainty that they would not have allowed their children and themselves to take those vaccines. Both of my parents might not have developed cancers suspected of being vaccine-related, and might even be alive today.” – Dr. Howard B. Urnovitz, PhD, CEO, CSO and co-founder of Chronix Biomedical

“Childhood vaccines are giving us a world of chronic illness: autism, developmental disorders, Asperger’s Syndrome, brain tumors, leukemia, cancers, information processing disorders, impulsive violence, allergies, asthma, diabetes, Crohn’s disease, intestinal disorders, are just some of the vaccine associated disorders.” – Dr. Tedd Koren, DC

“I am no longer trying to dig up evidence to prove vaccines cause autism. There is already abundant evidence. This debate is not scientific but is political.” Dr. David Ayoub, MD

“There are at least seven laboratory studies, clinical studies, of blood, cerebral, spinal fluid, biopsies of autistic children which show huge differences between autistic children and normal children in terms of the presence of things like measles vaccine virus in their intestinal tract, for example, or their neurons. So, there’s one line of evidence. Another, of course, is that we have data from thousands of parents who testify, often with videotapes and photographs and eyewitness reports, that their kid was perfectly normal. And they can demonstrate it, as I say, very conclusively with tapes, until after the vaccine. The kid retreated into autism. There’s just converging evidence from many, many directions.” – Dr. Bernard Rimland, PhD, Founder and Former Director of the Autism Research Institute

“When the link between the use of unsafe, mercury-laden vaccine and autism, ADHD, asthma, allergies and diabetes becomes undeniable, mainstream medicine will be sporting a huge, self-inflicted and well-deserved black eye. Then will come the billion-dollar awards, by enraged juries, to the children and their families.” – Dr. Bernard Rimland, PhD, founder and former director of the Autism Research Institute

“It is well known that measles is an important development milestone in the life and maturing processes in children. Why would anybody want to stop or delay the maturation processes of children and of their immune systems?” – Dr. Viera Scheibner

“The greatest threat to our health today is the medical community, and one of their most dangerous tools is vaccination – particularly the horrific procedure of injecting foreign protein into newborn infants!” – Dr. Daniel H. Duffy, DC

The greatest threat of childhood diseases lies in the dangerous and ineffectual efforts made to prevent them through mass immunization… There is no convincing scientific evidence that mass inoculations can be credited with eliminating any childhood disease.” – Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, MD

“We are taught by the authorities that vaccines protect us against eventual aggressive viruses and microbes, and, therefore, prevent contagious illnesses and epidemics. This lie has been perpetuated for 150 years despite the ineffectiveness of vaccines in protecting against illnesses.” – Dr. Guylaine Lanctot, MD

“My suspicion, which is shared by others in my profession, is that the nearly 10,000 SIDS deaths that occur in the United States each year are related to one or more of the vaccines that are routinely given children. The pertussis vaccine is the most likely villain, but it could also be one or more of the others.” – Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, MD

“Many here voice a silent view that the Salk and Sabin Polio Vaccines, being made from monkey kidney tissue, have been directly responsible for the major increase in leukaemia in this country.” – Dr. Fred Klenner, MD

“As a clinician, my current belief which guides my practice with these children is that any child given the Hep B vaccination at birth and subsequent boosters along with DPT has received unacceptable levels of neurotoxin in the form of the ethylmercury in the thimerosal preservative used in the vaccine. In any child with a genetic immune susceptibility (probably about one in six) this sets off a series of events that injure the brain-gut-immune system. By the time they are ready to receive the MMR vaccination, their immune system is so impaired in a great number of these children that the triple vaccine cannot be handled by the now dysfunctional immune system and they begin their obvious descent into the autistic spectrum disorder.” – Dr. Jaquelyn McCandless, MD

“In 1976 I was working in the Gulf Country around Cape York, in an aboriginal community of about 300 people. The Health Department sent around a team and vaccinated about 100 of them against flu. Six were dead within 24 hours or so and they weren’t all old people, one man being in his early twenties. They threw the bodies in trucks to take to the coast where autopsies were done. It appeared they had died from heart attacks.” – Dr. Archie Kalokerinos, MD

“As a retired physician, I can honestly say that unless you are in a serious accident, your best chance of living to a ripe old age is to avoid doctors and hospitals and learn nutrition, herbal medicine and other forms of natural medicine unless you are fortunate enough to have a naturopathic physician available. Almost all drugs are toxic and are designed only to treat symptoms and not to cure anyone. Vaccines are highly dangerous, have never been adequately studied or proven to be effective, and have a poor risk/reward ratio. Most surgery is unnecessary and most textbooks of medicine are inaccurate and deceptive. Almost every disease is said to be idiopathic (without known cause) or genetic – although this is untrue. In short, our main stream medical system is hopelessly inept and/or corrupt. The treatment of cancer and degenerative diseases is a national scandal. The sooner you learn this, the better off you will be.” – Dr. Alan Greenberg, MD

“According to the records of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, from 1911 to 1935 the four leading causes of childhood deaths from infectious diseases in the U.S.A. were diptheria, pertussis, scarlet fever, and measles. However, by 1945 the combined death rates from these causes had declined by 95% before the implementation of mass vaccine programs.” – Dr. Harold Buttram, MD

“I would consider the risks associated with measles vaccination unacceptable even if there were convincing evidence that the vaccine works. There isn’t. …. In 1900 there were 13.3 measles deaths per 100,000 population. By 1955, before the first measles shot, the death rate had declined 97.7 percent to only 0.03 deaths per 100,000.” – Dr. Mendelsohn, MD

“Up to 90% of the total decline in the death rate of children between 1860 and 1965, because of whooping cough, scarlet fever, diptheria, and measles, occurred before the introduction of immunizations and antibiotics.” – Dr Archie Kalokerinos, MD

“What the vaccinators don’t tell you is that communicable diseases have been declining at a steady rate for 150 years and that there is no relationship between the various diseases and the onset of immunization. Without exception, the vaccine program for each of the childhood diseases was inaugurated after that paticular diseases had begun to disappear. Contrary to what you have been told, this includes polio. What the vaccines have done is cause the various childhood diseases to become adulthood diseases – with far more serious implications, mumps in men and rubella in women for example.” – Dr. William Douglass, MD

“For thirty years kids died from smallpox vaccinations even though no longer threatened by the disease.” – Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, MD

“I am and have been for years a confirmed anti-vaccinationist. Anti-vaccination has no backing from the orthodox medical opinion. A medical man who expresses himself against vaccination loses caste. Tremendous pecuniary interests too have grown around vaccination.” – Mahatma Gandhi

“I have no faith in vaccination; I look upon it with the greatest possible disgust, and firmly believe that it is often the medium of conveying many filthy and loathsome diseases from one child to another, and no protection whatever against smallpox. Indeed, I consider we are now living in the Jennerian epoch for the slaughter of innocents, and the unthinking portion of the adult population.” –Dr. W.J. Collins, MD, BS, BSc, MRCS

“What people don’t know about vaccines –what most doctors don’t know– but well demonstrated in medical literature, is that vaccines shift your immune system to an immune suppression type of state called the “TH2 shift.” That’s what most vaccines do. They shift your immune system to a weaker, antibody type immune system… If you’re injecting people with so many vaccines that your keeping them in this constant state –that now your switching everyone to this TH2 immune suppression– then everyone becomes more susceptible [to infectious diseases]… and no one is talking about that. Now, a lot of scientists know that, but they are afraid to speak out because their careers would be ruined.” – Dr. Russell Blaylock, MD

“Using kids as guinea pigs in potentially harmful vaccine experiments is every parents’ worst nightmare. This actually happened in 1989-1991 when Kaiser Permanente of Southern California and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) jointly conducted a measles vaccine experiment. Without proper parental disclosure, the Yugoslavian-made “high titre” Edmonston-Zagreb measles vaccine was tested on 1,500 poor, primarily black and Latino, inner city children in Los Angeles. Highly recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), the high-potency experimental vaccine was previously injected into infants in Mexico, Haiti, and Africa. It was discontinued in these countries when it was discovered that the children were dying in large numbers.” – Dr. Alan Cantwell MD

“There is no evidence that any influenza vaccine thus far developed is effective in preventing or mitigating any attack of influenza. The producers of these vaccines know that they are worthless, but they go on selling them anyway.” – Dr. J. Anthony Morris, Former Chief Vaccine Control Officer, US FDA

“My own personal view is that vaccines are unsafe and worthless. I will not allow myself to be vaccinated again. Vaccines may be profitable but in my view, they are neither safe nor effective.” – Dr. Vernon Coleman, MB, ChB, DSc (Hon)

“I once believed in Jenner; I once believed in Pasteur. I believed in vaccination. I believed in vivisection. But I changed my views as the result of hard thinking.” – Dr. Walter Hadwen, MD, LSA, MRCS, LRCP, MB

“Cancer was practically unknown until compulsory vaccination with cowpox vaccine began to be introduced. I have had to deal with at least two hundred cases of cancer, and I never saw a case of cancer in an unvaccinated person.” – Dr. W. B. Clarke

“No long-term safety testing for the influenza vaccine has ever been done. They are experimenting on our lives and our children. Influenza vaccine is an experimental vaccine. ” – Dr. Mark Geier, MD, PhD

“There is a great deal of evidence to prove that immunization of children does more harm than good.” – Dr. J. Anthony Morris, Former Chief Vaccine Control Officer, US FDA

“The only safe vaccine is one that is never used.” – Dr. James A. Shannon, MD, Former Director, National Institutes of Health (1955-1968)

“Belief in immunization is a form of delusional insanity.” – Dr Herbert Shelton, MD

“I don’t think measles poses any risk to a healthy child.” – Dr Jay Gordon, MD

“I sincerely believe that vaccines cause more harm to the health of the individual than the “protection” and “benefit” they are proclaimed to provide. Staying healthy without vaccines is not only possible, but being vaccine-free is the only way to maintain a lifetime of real health.” – Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, DO

“Nothing but the natural ignorance of the public, countenanced by the inoculated erroneousness of the ordinary general medical practitioners, makes such a barbarism as vaccination possible. Recent developments have shown that an inoculation made in the usual general practitioner’s light-hearted way, without previous highly skilled examination of the state of the patient’s blood, is just as likely to be a simple manslaughter as a cure or preventive. But vaccination is nothing short of attempted murder. A skilled bacteriologist would just as soon think of cutting his child’s arm and rubbing the contents of the dustpan into the wound, as vaccinating.” – George Bernard Shaw

“The more it (vaccination) is supported by public authorities, the more will its dangers and disadvantages be concealed or denied.” –M. Beddow Bayly

“One vaccine decreases cell-mediated immunity by 50%, two vaccines by 70%… all triple vaccines (MMR, DTaP) markedly impair cell-mediated immunity, which predisposes to recurrent viral infections, especially otitis media, as well as yeast and fungi infections.” – Dr. Herman Hugh Fudenberg, M.D., Ph.D. (Immunology)

“Autism may be a disorder linked to the disruption of the G-alpha protein, affecting retinoid receptors in the brain. A study of sixty autistic children suggests that autism may be caused by inserting a G-alpha protein defect, the pertussis toxin found in the D.P.T. vaccine, into genetically at-risk children.” – Mary N. Megson, M.D.

“Probably 20% of American children -one youngster in five- suffers from ‘development disability’. This is stupefying figure we have inflicted on ourselves…’development disabilities’ are nearly always generated by encephalitis. And the primary cause of encephalitis in the USA and other industrialized countries is the childhood vaccination program. To be specific, a large proportion of millions of US children and adults suffering from autism, mental retardation, hyperactivity, dyslexia… owe their disorders to one or another of the vaccines against childhood diseases.” – Harris Coulter PhD, Author, “Vaccination, Social Violence & Criminality: The Medical Assault on the American Brain”

“Childhood diseases are a far less serious threat than having a large fraction of a generation afflicted with learning disability and/or uncontrollable aggressive behavior because of a crusade for universal vaccination…” – Association of American Physicians & Surgeons

“We look at these unvaccinated kids as bright and chipper, and they have good personalities, and they’re easy-going and easy to get along with, and we look at them like they’re just something magical. … When really that’s what normal is supposed to look like.” – Sherri Tenpenny, DO

“Recent evidence indicates that routine childhood vaccinations contribute to the emergence of chronic allergic problems such as eczema, ear infections, and asthma. A growing number of scientists and physicians maintain that most standard vaccinations permanently disturb the developing immune system, setting the stage for hypersensitive reactions to foods and other common substances. In fact, childhood illnesses such as measles, mumps, and whooping cough may actually reduce the risk of allergy.” –Konrad Kail, N.D.

“The incidence of asthma has been found to be five times more common in vaccinated children.” – The Lancet, 1994.

“Provocation polio. That is the truth about those outbreaks of polio. And I offer a well considered personal opinion that polio is a man made disease.” – Viera Scheibner, Ph.D.

“Public health regulators’ main interest is preserving the notion that vaccines help more than they harm. Anything else is blasphemous. For the rest of us, though, a recent review in immunology literature should give pause. It states: ‘To date, more than 80 systemic and organ-specific autoimmune diseases have been defined, and their cumulative burden is substantial, both medically and financially. Furthermore, the burden of autoimmune and autoinflammatory diseases is rising, making these diseases a ubiquitous global phenomenon that is predicted to further increase in the coming decades.’ An autoimmune storm is rising. The role of vaccines in it is emerging and will one day be crystal clear. The question is, how far off is that day, and who is going to pay while we wait for it?” – Celeste McGovern

Dr. Gary Kohls, MD has warned that advocates for [mandatory vaccination] were doing so “without acknowledging –or perhaps even being aware of– the large amount of recent neuroscience-based evidence from scientists worldwide that should be modifying the outdated CDC mandates.” “Big Pharma and the CDC have very profitably generated and then propagated the myth that their overpriced and very poorly researched vaccines are both effective and safe,” added Dr. Kohl, a retired physician who had a 40-year family practice career and now tries to sound the alarm on vaccine dangers. “The safety and efficacy of all vaccines has been disproven (including the 270 new ones that the industry is currently developing and planning to market), but the word has not broken through to the large clinics like the Mayo Clinic.” Source: The New American

“To all the pediatricians still trolling my page, now that I’ve got your attention, listen closely. Heed my words.

You should be FIGHTING LIKE HELL for the safety of our children from even the most remote possibility that vaccines aren’t as safe as they could be or aren’t as safe as we are being told. Instead of fighting for truth and safety, you’re fighting like rats for your piece of cheese.

I have ZERO RESPECT for vaccine profiteers that are so financially biased, confirmation biased, indoctrinated, and willfully ignorant of the evidence that clearly shows vaccines cause injury, disease and REGRESSIVE AUTISM, that they aggressively lobby lawmakers to make vaccines mandatory, and deny parents the essential knowledge about the risks of toxic ingredients injected into their babies.

Bought by big pharma, the caretakers of children’s health have become the perpetrators of harm rather than the protectors. They profit as our precious, perfect children are harmed and killed by vaccines filled with cheap preservatives, neurotoxic adjuvants, and human cellular material derived from aborted fetal cell lines. They are complicit accomplices in the murder-by-vaccine crimes that have made American infants THE MOST VACCINATED and THE MOST LIKELY TO DIE in the first year of life.

America’s infant mortality rate, the highest rate in ALL developed nations, is a national tragedy. The epidemic of autism, autoimmune diseases, asthma, allergies, ADHD, and pediatric cancers is far worse. The evidence is everywhere.

Unbelievably, the epidemic of autism is rising exponentially. Today, ONE in 48 children in America suffer autism. At the present rate of increase, by 2032 ONE in TWO children AND 80% OF BOYS could be autistic. We can’t afford to sacrifice our children and the future of our nation to the ignorance and greed of pediatricians and their big pharmaceutical vaccine manufacturer masters demanding parents submit our children to an intolerably dangerous, untested, and unnecessary vaccine schedule of 72+ injections…and rising. There are over 200 vaccines in the pipeline.

Every pediatrician, family practitioner, or vaccine profiteer that isn’t rising up against the corruption of the science of vaccines perpetrated by the CDC is betraying their oath to “first, do no harm.” They are on the wrong side of history. Too many have given up objectivity and reason and have simply become sales representatives for the vaccine manufacturers that have so easily bought and conditioned them to believe their lies. The blood of every vaccine injured or killed child is on the hands of every pediatrician that parroted lies like “vaccines do not cause autism” and “the science is settled.” The science isn’t settled, it’s corrupt.

The vaccine industry will soon face the backlash as doctors, scientists, and parents across America become aware of your crimes, rise up to oppose your lies, and hold you accountable for the vaccine injury holocaust you’ve caused. The fraudulent deceit is coming to and end. We won’t allow it to continue.

For me, uncovering the many layers of fraud and corruption that have allowed vaccines to harm so many children, is analogous to walking into an exam room in which a child is being abused by a doctor. I’m not about to look the other way and allow the abuse to continue. I would call the police, however, in my analogy the police are the CDC, and they are participating and enabling the abuse. Regardless, I won’t ignore the abuse and allow it to continue. I’m going to stop the abusers from harming the child, and I won’t be gentle about it.

That’s how I see the travesty of the corruption of vaccines that is harming the children of America today. It’s obvious and I’m angry about my how so many of medical colleagues refuse to open the door, expose the abuse, and stop it.

In closing, I beseech my colleagues to open your eyes, minds, and the evidence that for too long you’ve negligently denied. Confront the reality that you’ve been duped, controlled, and indoctrinated. Free yourselves from the indoctrination. Stand with me. Demand scientific transparency, integrity, and reform of the vaccine industry. Join me in this fight to protect children and get yourselves on the right side of history.” Dr. James Meehan, MD

Read ‘1200 Studies on whether To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate’

Published by Natural Nana

Vaccine injury & stage 3 COPD survivor - thanks to use of real food as medicine.

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  1. Thank you so much for making this information available. But we feel so helpless against the industry and the new laws that are passing in some states! What can we do to protect ourselves against this?!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve recently stumbled upon a few lawsuits against the state of NY, from people who are fighting mandatory vaccinations. My greatest hope is there will be a collective unity of parents, who pursue a class action suit for violation of human, civil and constitutional rights – and win. Also, the repeal of the 1986 NVCIA MUST happen. As long as big pharma continues to retain 100% legal immunity from the injuries and deaths, caused by their products, they’ll continue to push their genocidal agenda.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Shiv Chopra was a brilliant and sincere man, willing to face scorn to reveal the truth. We miss you and hope your spirit can inspire others to do the same.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Ty Bollinger The Truth about Vaccines is very informative and I highly recommend you watch this ASAP.
    My sister is a trained M.A in Science and Nutrition. She agrees with The Truth About Vaccines.
    As she knows what is contained in them. Some very disturbing stuff.
    Most people have been brought up to trust their doctors advice.
    Well in the documentary aforementioned all the doctors in this sat they didn’t vaccinate their children because they knew what was contained in the Vaccines is extremely dangerous and deliberately have harmful ingredients in them.
    So wake up everyone; if doctors don’t want to vaccinate because they know what’s in them.
    Then why should people follow the’ herd’ mentality of big’ pharma. Beware, what you don’t know is stunting and brain damaging children who have been given many vaccines containing heavy metals and even worse things than this in them( cocktail of drugs).
    A trustworthy person.
    Four grown kids. All doing well.
    I prayed about what to do. Not just went along with status quo. You should do likewise. Sane yourself and your kids a life of misery.

    Liked by 1 person

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